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The art I create starts with my original designs which I permanently etch into copper sheet using techniques from the old days of plate printing dating back to 1513. Acid was used then and is still being used today but I prefer the safer process of metal salts paired with a power supply. The metal salt bath can be used over and over therefore making the process much more eco-friendly. 


I work mainly with copper but I also work with brass and nickel silver. I find that metal has a reflective property that adds a textural richness which changes with the light throughout the day. Metal adds a collected, timeless look which is interesting and engaging.  


I create all of the items in my shop from start to finish, attending to every detail. I am passionate about quality and ensure that your art is finished and ready to hang in your home as soon as you receive it.




Generally any etched piece can be paired with any frame style. If you do not see a combination you are interested in please don't hesitate to contact me!



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The Metal Etching Lab


A Messy Process

Etching the Nautilus.jpg

The stencil and black ink will keep those areas untouched while the surrounding areas will be etched. The edges are protected with water proof tape

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A sheet of prepared metal is suspended in the copper sulfate while the positive lead is attached. The negative is underneath the sheet to be etched.

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The etched sheet is scrubbed clean with neutral baking soda which stops the etch. It is ready to have the alcohol ink applied. Here the frame is ready to be stained and finished.

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A frame that is strapped while gluing the mitered corners. I use Bessey straps because they align the miters nicely and they are easy to use.

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This piece has three steps of stencils that are applied. Here the second stencil will be aligned and burnished onto the metal and submersed again to etch more detail.

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The messy table where the etched metal receives the added color which will bring out the detail of the etch. The finished piece will also be polished and brushed.

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I cut metal with this foot stomp shear. This Tennsmith was a life saver, although I'm a bit short and have to stand on a chair and jump on the stomp. But I love it all the same.


A gift for my oldest son. The snake is etched in brass and aged with vinegar. It is set on stand offs to raise it above the steel, rusty metal beneath it. Turned out pretty good considering it was one of my earlier pieces.

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Another gift for my youngest. This ended up to be very large. I seem to have to add dimension to the metal I etch and stand it off the frame. This was etched rusty steel after the design from Nine Line.

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